Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dia maii daahh

Dup dap dup dap. Yuup. Dia dah datang balik. Paling kerap semalam ar. Sampai kepala pun dah naik pening sampai pagi ni. Masuk opis lewat, kepala berat sesangat. Bangun pun rasa mcm berkocak aper yg dok dlm pala.

Sebab apa palpitation ni jadik? Sat sat laju, sat2 normal, sat2 rasa laju pelan tu berselang seli.Amik xtra ubat? Tak pun. Makan2 mender2 yg merepek? Hmmm Tak jugak. Ada laa, dok mkn jajan [yg aku rasa luar biasa sket mcm pulun jer, lepas gian]. Yg tu jer laa yg lainnya. Buat aktiviti lasak? Mmmm tak swimming, tak cycling, tak jogging, cuma wat berkebun sket2 laa.

Mcm biasa, bila nak tau, aku google laaa dulu. Apa masalahnya? secara tepatnya aku pun tak tau. Tapi sekadar nak tau, leh gi ke sini. Bawah ni sedikit xplaination dari website tu.

A palpitation is an abnormality of heartbeat that causes a conscious awareness of its beating, whether it is too slow, too fast, irregular, or at its normal frequency [ yuppp!! betoiiii. Mcm den kena laa ni]. The word may also refer to this sensation itself. It can be caused by (but should not be confused with) ectopic beat, which is a more specific diagnosis.

The difference between an abnormal awareness and a normal awareness is that the former interrupts other thoughts, whereas the latter is almost always caused by a concentration on the beating of one's heart.

Palpitations may be brought on by overexertion, adrenaline, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, and other drugs, disease (such as hyperthyroidism and pheochromocytoma) or as a symptom of panic disorder. More colloquially, it can also refer to a shaking motion. It can also happen in mitral stenosis.

Nearly everyone experiences an occasional awareness of their heart beating, but when it occurs frequently, it can indicate a problem. Palpitations may be associated with heart problems, but also with anemias and thyroid malfunction [last time dah buat check on tiroid neh, memang takder pun].

Attacks can last for a few seconds or hours, and may occur very infrequently, or more than daily. Palpitations alongside other symptoms, including sweating, faintness, chest pain or dizziness [yg ni mcm kena kat aku smlm sampai sekarang], indicate irregular or poor heart function and should be investigated.

Palpitations may also be associated with anxiety and panic attacks, in which case psychological assessment is recommended. This is a common disorder associated with many common medications such as anti-depressants.

Palpitations can also occur from blood loss, excessive pain, or lack of oxygen.

Nampak gaya arini aku bekerja dlm keadaan yg sangat2 tak produktif [bila motherboard kena serang... beginilah oden.. no neng no neng no neeenggg..........]

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