Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sama ker?

Taknak pk sangat, tapi since aku dah download satu software ni, tiap kali on laptop, utk startup tu, mesti ada reminder pasal ovulation.

Tak pasti betul ke tak nih. Sebab aku try ovulation kit, nampak mcm LH (hormon yg tunjukkan aku subur) tak muncul2 tandanya.

Hari ni, aku dah start sakit bawah perut bhgn tengah. Dah start sakit pinggang. Dunno apa tandanya tu...

Dpt dari satu website

Can I feel ovulation?

You may experience lower abdominal discomfort, a slight rise in body temperature, and changes in cervical mucus during ovulation. Prior to ovulation, your cervical mucus is cloudy and thicker, and a few days before ovulation it becomes clear, slippery, and stretchy like raw egg whites. Immediately following ovulation, your body temperature can increase by 0.4 to 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit. About 20% of women feel discomfort or pain in their lower abdomen as the egg leaves the ovary. This condition is known as 'mittelschmerz', and it usually lasts from a few minutes to several hours.

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